Monday, April 6, 2009

Expect great things!

Cindy J. wrote the following report from Barbados:

"It is that time again when the International World Changers sends out its leadership teams to plan for summer of 2009! Rick and Cindy J. feel very blessed to have Patrick and Chad to lead in Barbados during the week of June 13 - 20. We are expecting 86 young people with their adult sponsors to move into the Barbados Baptist College for that week and allow God to change this island through them. The participants for the International World Changers will be coming from seven churches in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, Georgia, and New Mexico.

During a recent trip to Barbados, the team met with pastors of various Baptist churches to see if they would like a ministry team to work with their congregation. The four pictured here were very excited about the possibilities.

Patrick was invited to preach at First National Baptist and he brought a very inspirational message. Chad has a wonderful heart for serving people. Both of these young men are dedicated to serving Christ and we know God is going to use them in a mighty way in Barbados!"

May God find his workers hearts filled with joy in their humble service to Him.

For more info see the IWC above on the right.

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